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Sensorial-scapes 1 Sensorial-scapes 2
18:30 - 20:30
Sensorial-scapes from Vartiovuori. An Attuning Sonic Intervention by Juan Darte Regino
An audio-rendering that sources weather sensor data from the Vartiovuori area, near Titanik gallery. This audible mediation will broadcast generated recordings and data-translations, crafted into elongated drone soundscapes.
These ephemeral compositions are aimed to attune our senses to the subtleties of our surroundings, inviting us to perceive the environment in a way that goes beyond our usual sensory capabilities.
Juan Duarte Regino is A.i.R. artist-in-residence at Titanik, a contemporary art space run by Arte ry. The gallery, located on the banks of the Aurajoki River in Turku, was founded in 1988 and has since then been presenting topical Finnish and international contemporary art.